“Post-95”is widely regarded as a“label"
As the first generation of aboriginals in the era of social media, they have formed their own ways of thinking and living in virtual network. They are accustomed to manipulating social media, and they are often manipulated by social media; they insist on showing their individuality, but also pursue the low-key refinement; they fancy a good quality of life, and long for freedom, but are constrained by reality. The contradiction between ideals and reality is among every generation. And Gen Z practice their living philosophy of spiritual supremacy and cultural experience in their own way. Chen Dagong, expert of Youth Culture research, invites four pioneers in fashion, film, travel and pop culture to talk about stories of the youth and the youth with stories.
青年轻时尚 Youth Fashion — 岳琳杰 Yue Linjie
青年电影梦 Young People’s Movie Dreams — 鄂冠男 E Guannan
从全世界路过 Passing Through the World — 陈惜玉
95后、青年文化、社交媒体、生活方式 / genz, youthculture, socialmedia, lifestyles
中文节目/ Chinese Program
September 19. 12:00 - 14:00(UTC+08:00)
陈大公,北京服装学院时尚传播学院摄影系教师 / Chen Dagong, Photography Teacher of School of Fashion Communication, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology
• 岳琳杰,RANDOMIZE时尚品牌主理人,她不断的探索当下95后的时尚法则 / Yue Linjie, Brand Manager of RANDOMIZE, From an independent designer to a brand manager, she constantly explores the fashion principles of Gen Z
• 鄂冠男,北京服装学院时尚传播学院讲师,北京樱花青年时尚电影节秘书长,青年编剧,影视策划人,为青年人创造电影舞台 / E Guannan, Lecturer of School of Fashion Communication, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Secretary-General of Beijing Youth Fashion Film Festival, screenwriter, and film and television planner, creating a platform of film for young people.
• 陈惜玉,独立摄影师、影像艺术家,热爱旅行。用5年的时间路过了世界100多个国家和地区,用影像记录世界的美好 / Chen Xiyu, Independent photographer, video artist, love to travel. Traveling through more than 100 countries and regions in the world in 5 years, recording the beauty of the world with images and videos.