Design and AI: building an intelligent experience of products through design thinking
  • Vivian Gomes Vivian Gomes Human Factors Research & Design Co-Founder & Design Director

    Vivian with 30 years of hands on experience is a futurist Designer, Speaker at World Usability Congress, mentor at Google, board member of UXQCC Austria. He has set up Design studios at HP, Hallmark.

Design and AI: building an intelligent experience of products through design thinking

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Session D12
Meeting room 303A
Time 07/13 09:00-12:00
Type Workshop
Language English
Direction Design Thinking
keynote content
Content Introduction

In this workshop attendees will learn about what is the role of Ux / Design in the world of AI. The talk will take the listeners through the journey of how humans and intelligence have been connected in the growth of humanity itself. The keynote will cover background, examples, evolution, success and failures, learning process, advent of AI and intelligent design, phases and principles of AI for UX, new design principles to be aware of and build skills upon. Interactive Q&A and next steps to educate all listeners.

The whole world is moving towards automation and intelligent systems. With the advancements in computational sciences, the invention of Neuromorphic computing, UX professionals would further need to upskill their take and provide faster, better, improved ways of interacting with the intelligent smart world of appliances, applications, devices, machines and services all around us.

It is evident that to have a smarter world, the design community would need to build smarter design objects, artefacts, design system, churn out impeccable amounts of visualization, interactions and experiences that’s data and AI driven. However engineered, it must be human centered, as the saying goes “If you aren’t aligned with a human need, you’re just going to build a very powerful system to address a very small — or perhaps nonexistent — problem”. Attendees will learn ways UX elevated AI, for example , if a human can’t perform the task, then neither can an AI; second, by diving deep into the methods of an expert, we can find signal-to-guide data collection, labeling, and component model architecture. It would need UX designers to:
1) Guide AI, what is called Machine learning
2) UX will need to teach AI to build trust and help build that trust
3) all this while addressing real human need. In brief, The truth is — it will be a collaborative effort of UX Designers and AI/ML

so, instead of problem, there will be a series of opportunities in the new age of AI and robotic world of automation.

This workshop is about how a UX professional can use Ai world with needed UX logic, human behavior patterns and have the AI generate Human Centered Design outcomes and experiences.

Structure and Agenda

1、Presentation:Introduction to the relationship between design, technology and UX being human centered
2、Case analysis
3、Interaction and solution

Target Audience

1、Design practitioners
2、Start ups
3、Project managers
4、product teams

Participants Benefit

1、How UX professionals build AI products or related solutions
2、 how a UX professional can use Ai world with needed UX logic, human behavior patterns
3、How a UX professional can help AI generate Human Centered Design outcomes and experiences

Work Case
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