Designed for Smart Sports
  •  Xuewei Cui Xuewei Cui Xiaomi Inc Expert Designer

    Senior Design Director of Xiaomi Tech MioT Wearable Business Design Department. Responsible for Xiaomi Wearable App, Xiaomi Watch series, and the wearable tech related user experience design. Xuewei’s projects has won a number of international awards, including German IF award (Xiaomi game box), IF award and Red Dot award (Mitu remote control aircraft), and Red Dot award (Xiaomi printer series).

    Design Concept: Life is enjoyable when global tech ecology is constructed upon the interconnection of smart techs. Creativity is rational, products are implementable, aesthetic is a self taught artist, and design is a user generated service under super execution.

Designed for Smart Sports

3992Thumbs Up
Session E4
Meeting room Undetermined
Time 11/20 14:00-18:00
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
Direction Design Thinking
keynote content
Content Introduction

With the maturity of 5g and intelligent technology, the form of Xiaomi intelligent products is currently experiencing a rapid fission. Under the constantly evolving user scenarios, wearable technology has become an important part under this vigorous development. Being the most interactive user oriented intelligent products, wearable technology has entered a new era: from anytime to at will. With the strong development of mobile network, wearable devices have gradually developed from the initial hearing function to the realization of vision, somatosensory and even cross-industry combination. The MiHealth platform built by Xiaomi company explores the various scenes of daily life, sports and health from the perspectives of users, media, scene, and informational interaction. So as to bring traditional user experience forward to humanization designs, emphasizing the underlying value created smooth user interaction, exploring the new trend of sports & health market, and promoting the cooperation of programming software and hardware devices. The core of this workshop is to examine the way a designer participate in this constantly chancing industry; and methodologies of creating a user experience designed for both ease of use and business success.

Through this workshop, we will take the design practice currently in charge of the team as participants (especially for user-orientated-design), share the design cases of millet in the wearable technology user experience, and Xiaomi's MiHealth platform. The case of our shared design will focus on wearable user experience design under these few concepts:
1) How to bring more rich design and interaction experience for users, extend the
ecological application and service on mobile phone to intelligent wearable techs.
2) How to open the ability of smart wearable techs to phone applications, while understanding the capability of sharing infos between wearable techs and phones.
3) How to use the wearable device as the virtual sensor of the phone, realize the whole scene interconnection experience with mobile phone as the center. All audiences, including user experience designer, operation designer and product manager in the field of intelligent wearing, may all be inspired from this workshop. To cooperatively build an industry where artificial intelligence technology can be humanized and efficiently integrated into user scenarios.

What we will learn in this workshop include:
1. Introduction of Xiaomi wearable sports health platform.
1.1 Development path and future summary of wearable devices.
1.2 The wearable ability of Xiaomi, the functions and advantages of the platform, and the
challenges it faces: different countries and regions, cultural backgrounds, Internet
development, acceptance of sports health products, aesthetic orientation, etc.

2. Design case practice sharing 1 -- Design Methodology of Xiaomi wearable software:
2.1 How to design sports health products from 0-1 and what is the thinking mode of
product construction.
2.2 How to use the user centered design thinking to explore the bright spots of innovative
thinking, so as to make the design of experience creativity landing.
2.3 Application of visual thinking and picture sense in design.
2.4 How does brand design help upgrade the wearable brand? Through the strategy of
design as the driving force, it can bring a refreshing visual experience to the product. How
does brand design serve the company from the perspective of business objectives and
2.5 Introduction of Wearable user experience evaluation model: satisfaction model,
change of NPs and trend change of current user growth rate.

3. Design case practice sharing 2 -- hardware design methodology of Xiaomi wearable
3.1 How to design intelligent wearable devices, aiming at the differentiation of hardware
and software design, and how to maintain a high degree of unity, how to improve the
experience through tangible and intangible UX design guidelines, design methodology.
3.2 Design system and design practice of instrumental design.
3.3 In the wearable era, how to create "all time user experience" and "wrist interaction
3.4 How to combine art and experience to build full stack capability and explore user
perception oriented design innovation.

4. How does the design team lay out their future capabilities:
4.1 How to improve the designer's experience design ability through experience
architecture, experience tools, innovative thinking, innovation incubation and other design

5. Practice interaction: Group proposition for different users of hierarchical design

Structure and Agenda

1、Workshop introduction: content summary, introducing Xiaomi smart wearable business
2、Theoretical method: Wearable product design thinking mode, Xiaomi intelligent wearable product design guidelins
3、Case analysis: explain the design concept and method of Xiaomi smart wearable app / device (divide the corresponding design strategy according to the user model)
4、Practice interaction: the group designs according to the theme project and uses the wearable product methodology to simulate the scheme design
5、Q & A: free communication
6、Summary and review

Target Audience

1、Intermediate / senior user experience designer
2、Intermediate / advanced designers
3、Junior or above operation Designer
4、Design Director
5、Design Manager

Participants Benefit

1、Master systematic design thinking, provide designers with a more holistic perspective, more effective landing method
2、Master the product design methodology of wearable industry
3、Understanding how Xiaomi builds a sports health platform from 0-1 and 1-2, as well as the core design ideas and key design techniques of interaction design, will help designers build a knowledge system of design performance upgrading
4、How can Xiaomi solve the problems of sports health and life through design

video introduction
Xiaomi Wearing Video Introduction
Work Case
  • Sports Medal Incentive System
  • Mi Watch Unified Full Screen Interaction
  • Case of User Centered Sports Health Main Vision: Powerful Brother Sports Health in Wearing
  • Mi Watch Operating System
  • Multi-Dimensional Experience
  • Case of Innovative Function Attracting Users Through New Vision
Guess You Like
  • Sports Medal Incentive System 16
  • Mi Watch Unified Full Screen Interaction 26
  • Case of User Centered Sports Health Main Vision: Powerful Brother Sports Health in Wearing 36
  • Mi Watch Operating System 46
  • Multi-Dimensional Experience 56
  • Case of Innovative Function Attracting Users Through New Vision 66
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