How to make a reliable and practical To B APP
  • Wen Lei Wen Lei Senior Visual Designer

  • Wang Xueke

    Wang Xueke Senior UI Designer

How to make a reliable and practical To B APP

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Session B3
Meeting room 202B
Time 07/18 14:30-17:30
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
Direction Design Thinking
keynote content
Content Introduction

B end product, which is the product or system for the supply end in the supply and demand relationship. While B-end users in 58 are merchants of all sorts of large and medium-sized enterprises, namely the recruiters. In order to better understand the characteristics of B-end users, we have specially carried out in-depth investigations on users, get the user model by means of questionnaire and interview, etc., analyzed users’ demands, and re-position the tonality and style of products as a whole.

In this workshop, the keynote speaker will teach the design methods of B-end products, mainly including: introducing the combined use of "five elements of user experience" and "experience map", concluding the appropriate methodologies, taking root in user needs, positioning product features and advantages; further, analyzing the requirement overlapping and contradiction items of C-end and B-end, exploring users' actual features, focusing on user behaviors, and effectively communicating information in a simple manner.

Explain the basic design principles of B-end products in depth combined with the case:
1. Product thinking, business orientation
Product functions and styles, and mainly focused on business functions under the premise of good user experience;
2. Experience users, evaluate products
Consider product feasibility from the perspective of small and medium businesses;
3. Relevance between design and products
Maintain unity from brand property and tonality of deign, and enhance product cognition;
4. Extensibility and feasibility
Position the design styles of mascots, which requires to consider the follow-up extensibility;
5. Combined with the cases of Fortune Cat and 58 recruitment, the speaker deeply analyzes the practice of design concepts:
(1) Strengthen brands and IP, enhance users’ favorability and brand communication power through the image of Fortune Cat.
(2) Refine the design, and make design and product positioning more appropriate.
(3) Unify styles, make UI of the whole product and the style of operation activities consistent, and strengthen the visual brand
Case 1: similarities and differences between Fortune Cat products and 58 recruitment
Case 2: display and analysis of UI works and a large number of operational works

Structure and Agenda

1. Workshop background and theory explanation: the characteristics of B-end products and user characteristics
2. Interactive discussion: communicate with participants to understand which B-end products there are as well as their characteristics
3. Teaching of design methods: explain our design principles and concepts
4. Group practice: interact with the participants - role assignment, the group is divided into research users, the boss, etc., and feel B-end products in a substitutive manner by assuming that a recruitment product is designed.
5. Case explanation: explain how to do the operational design of B-end products

Target Audience

1. Elementary and intermediate visual designers
2. Elementary and intermediate product managers

Participants Benefit

1. Understand the design characteristics of B-end instrumentalized products, and have a deeper understanding of positioning and analysis of B-end users and the combination of products and design;
2. Learn how to use "five elements of user experience" and "experience map";
3. Technical and case analysis, operate design-related creative practices and techniques;
4. Bring a new perspective for participants and understand the current development trend of recruitment industry and B-end design.

video introduction
《如何做一款可靠实用的To B APP》工作坊介绍
Work Case
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