Scene-based design method-- impressive Internet financial design
  • Shang Tingting Shang Tingting Tencent CDC Senior Interaction Designer

  • Zhang Shuai

    Zhang Shuai Tencent Senior Visual Designer

Scene-based design method-- impressive Internet financial design

6590Thumbs Up
Session E17
Meeting room 305
Time 07/20 09:00-12:00
Type Workshop
Language Mandarin
Direction Design Thinking
keynote content
Content Introduction

With the development and popularization of user experience, design is also facing new challenges. In the environment where the whole industry pays more and more attention to user experience, good experience has become the standard configuration of products, and design urgently needs to be combined with business so as to create greater value. If designers are confined to understanding and catering to users' behaviors, paying attention to the locating places of operation buttons and how to design interfaces and processes that meet users' mental models better, they cannot make products stand out or achieve succeed. Designers should think more from a business perspective, and by integrating users / businesses / technologies together, exploit the advantages of products, understand users' expectations and requirements, and influence the decision-making of users through their own design skills, and improve the design empowerment ability.

Finance is a traditional industry with high threshold, and Internet is a new bearing channel. We hope to re-examine financial products through Internet thinking, sort out the logic of products with design methods, explore users' motivations, reduce users' use threshold, improve their core competitiveness, help users make financial decisions in a relaxed state, and empower our financial products with design.
1. Information noise reduction method
1.1 Security:
Operation control / information transfer / brand communication
1.2 Efficiency:
Interoperability consistency/complex content built-in/lighter information/simplified operation/splitting the primary and secondary/main process priority/operation response timeliness
1.3 Neutrality:
Real information/reducing induced language/clear framework, complete and clear information
2. Scene-based design methods
2.1 Structural business objectives: business value and user value
2.2 Defining users & deconstructing user goals
2.3 Defining scenarios: integrating business objectives and user objectives / contacts / opportunities / characteristics
2.4 Finding scenes: processes / links / integration / transformation
2.5 Building scenes: setting up new scenes / building modules / introducing users
2.6 Designing user behaviors
The workshop will analyze the product cases of Internet insurance, such as car insurance and health insurance, and introduce how we design an impressive Internet financial product, and help you understand the design principles and methods to improve the conversion rate through practices. Finally, we will help you consolidate the learned design principles through practices.

Structure and Agenda

1. Workshop introduction: new stages of user experience require designers to create greater value
2. Previous case analysis: several key points of impressive design
3. Method explanation: design skills affect the user's decision-making and enhance the empowerment ability of design
4. Summarize design methods and principles: information noise reduction methods, scene-based design methods, etc.
5. Group exercises and practices
6. Q&A session

Target Audience

1. Interactive designers
2. Visual designers
3. Internet financial practitioners

Participants Benefit

1. Learn the information noise reduction method, scene-based design methods of Internet finance
2. How to influence users through the design methods to complete the design goals
3. Learn about the design processes of Internet financial products of Webank and Wesure

Work Case
  • 商婷婷 - 微众银行
  • 商婷婷 - 微保
  • 商婷婷 - WE大会
  • 商婷婷 - QQ For Win8
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  • 商婷婷 - 微保 24
  • 商婷婷 - WE大会 34
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