X Thinking: Rebuild the Relationship Between Brands & People
  • Michael Lai, PhD Michael Lai, PhD TANG Consulting Dean of X Academy & Partner

    Over 10 years consulting experience. 7 years teaching experience in academia. Worked in US and Greater China. Expert in branding, interaction design, service design, and experience design. Responsible for the development of X Thinking and executive education.

X Thinking: Rebuild the Relationship Between Brands & People

6373Thumbs Up
Session H7
Meeting room 403
Time 07/22 09:00-12:00
Type Workshop
Language English
Direction Design Thinking
keynote content
Content Introduction

Why do people love some brands with loyalty and devotion beyond reason? Why are other brand seemingly invisible, unable to gather the attention of their customers? How do we create brands that capture not just the minds, but also the hearts of people? How do we create brands where people don’t just buy from, but also seek to engage in a relationship? What does it take for brands to deliver extraordinary experiences that people want to come back to again and again?

In today’s modern world, it’s no longer enough for brands to compete based on features and price. With the people becoming more sophisticated, technologies evolving more rapidly, and competition intensifying; we need a new way of thinking to help brands stand out from the crowd and differentiate from the competition.

X Thinking is a new philosophy for business that believes that great eXperiences lead to mutually beneficial relationships for brands and people. For brands to truly gain the trust and loyalty from people, brands must deliver more than just products. They need to build and nurture relationships by delivering meaningful eXperiences.

Key concepts of X Thinking:
1. A new philosophy for business
2. Design Thinking applied in a business context
3. Build and nurture lasting relationships with meaningful eXperiences
4. Relationship Model visualizes the evolution of the relationship
5. Create a Holistic Brand eXperience Strategy to realize your brand positioning
6. Evaluate success using Return on eXperience (ROX) rather than Return on Investment (ROI)

This workshop will introduce participant to the concepts of X Thinking and real world case studies from leading national and international brands, such as China Merchant’s Bank, Xiao Guan Tea, and Weltmeister. By the end of the workshop, participants will understand what is X Thinking and how it can benefit their business.

Structure and Agenda

1. X Thinking: Change the Way You Think
2. From Transactions to Relationships: Build and Nurture Lasting Relationships
3. ACTIVITY: Relationship Counseling
4. From Return on Investment (ROI) to Return on eXperience (ROX): Deliver Meaningful eXperiences
5. ACTIVITY: Ideate Holistic eXperiences
6. Looking Forward: Creating Better Possible Futures

Target Audience

1. Executives leading innovation, marketing, and customer eXperience
2. Startup founders & CEOs
3. Design directors, senior directors

Participants Benefit

1. Executives will learn why they need X Thinking and how it benefits their organization’s business activities.
2. Entrepreneurs will learn why they need to prioritize eXperiences and how it helps them create a deep connection with their seed users.
3. Design directors will learn why they need to focus on designing holistic eXperiences instead of designing products, how their existing skill set can transition to designing holistic eXperiences.

video introduction
《X 思维:重建品牌与用户之间的关系》工作坊介绍
Work Case
  • Holistic eXperiences
  • eXperience Strategy
  • X Thinking: Rebuild the Relationship Between Brands and People
  • Holistic eXperiences for China Merchants Bank
  • Creating the brand for Xiao Guan Tea.
  • Creating the brand for Xiao Guan Tea.
Guess You Like
  • Holistic eXperiences 16
  • eXperience Strategy 26
  • X Thinking: Rebuild the Relationship Between Brands and People 36
  • Holistic eXperiences for China Merchants Bank 46
  • Creating the brand for Xiao Guan Tea. 56
  • Creating the brand for Xiao Guan Tea. 66
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